About us
Welcome to the Northern and Western Homelessness Networks

The Northern and Western Homelessness Networks are two of the nine Regional Homelessness Networks operating across Victoria to provide assistance to people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness and/or family violence.

The Northern and Western Homelessness Networks assist people in Northern and Western Melbourne.

Below you can find interviews with two people who have experienced homelessness and who have generously shared their experiences.  Also below are interviews with four homelessness workers.

Click on the links below to access the following pages, which provide an overview of:

how the coordinated homelessness service systems work across Melbourne's north and west, 

an introduction to the Northern Homelessness Network, and

an introduction to the Western Homelessness Network

These two Networks have worked closely together for many years because the services all previously sat within the very large Department of Human Service' Northwest Region. 

The Regions were separated in 2012, but the Networks continue to share some working groups and advocacy activities.

The experience of homelessness and working in the homelessness sector

Joal and Cemal have very generously shared their experiences of homelessness in these two videos: 

Joal: https://youtu.be/YdAGPqq_OVM

Cemal: https://youtu.be/FIYmu2MX_Bw

Homelessness workers talk about the role of the homelessness sector here: 

Jodye: https://youtu.be/Rzo-5iAq608

Anna: https://youtu.be/VcanmI9wWT8

Chris: https://youtu.be/oLfyc9_uEc0

Adam: https://youtu.be/b4MzY_obNJo