Advocacy and Working Groups

The Homelessness Networks across the state engage in a range of advocacy and systems development activities.

This is done through consultation with consumers of services and by a range of Working Groups with either a statewide or regional focus.

Regional Homelessness Networks around the State have joined together to establish the 'Houses at Parliament' campaign.  You can learn more about the campaign here: Home | Houses At Parliament ( and on the youtube channel:

Statewide Working Groups

SHIP Champions/Data Working Group

Homelessness workers from around the State who are interested in promoting improvements in SHIP use, learning about data interpretation and participating in Departmental and Infoxchange consultation about homelessness data.

NDIS Working Group

A working group, convened by the Council to Homeless Persons, bringing together homelessness service providers and representations of the NDIA and Local Area Coordination services to discuss improved access to the NDIS for people experiencing homelessness.

Contact to join these two working groups.

Northern and Western Working Groups

The Northern and Western LASN's also have a number of working groups that you are welcome to join. Please contact  for more information about the Northern groups and for more information about the Western groups.

Consumer Participation Working Group: The Northern and Western LASNs survey consumers of all member agencies annually. The survey usually focusses on consumers’ experiences of the coordinated homelessness service system. Results of past surveys can be found by visiting the Consumer Survey Results page of this website.

Members of Northern and Western LASN agencies interested in progressing consumer participation in the homelessness sector participate in this group with some consumer representatives. The Working Group prepares and reports on an annual consumer survey for the LASNs. 

Access Point/THM Working Group: Representatives of access point and transitional housing management services meeting 6 weekly to share information and strategies.

Lodjbra: Representatives from Northern and Western ACCOs and mainstream SHS services interested in Indigenous specific homelessness issues and sharing of housing and homelessness information. Plan to meet at least twice in 2022.

Joint PL team – oversea allocation of vacancies across the NMR, progressing the rollout of VMS in the NMR.